The german society for fat research

The German Society for Fat Research (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fettforschung) was founded in Berlin on October 6, 1936. The founding President was Professor Hans Paul Kaufmann.

Varrentrappstraße 40-42, 60486 Frankfurt am Main | Germany
Tel: +49 697917529 / 533 | Fax: +49 697917564 |

European federation for the Science and Technology of lipids (euro fed lipid)

Euro Fed Lipid is a federation of  European National Lipids, Fats & Oils Societies and associations, accepting individuals and enterprises as members.

Varrentrappstrasse 40-42, 60486 Frankfurt am Main | Germany
Tel: +49 697917345 | Fax: +49 697917564 |


The official site of Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca per gli Alimenti e la Nutrizione (National Institute for Food and Nutrition Research)

Via Ardeatina, 546 – 00178 Roma
Tel: 06514941 – Fax: 0651494550

International olive council

Un sito istituzionale di grande autorevolezza, punto di riferimento internazionale e intergovernativo sull’industria olearia nel mondo.

Príncipe de Vergara, 154 – 28002 Madrid – España
Tel: +34 915 903 638 | Fax: +34 915 631 263 |

Planet life economy foundation

The official situated of Planet Life Economy Foundation – ONLUS, a free Foundation that mainly takes care of the evolution of Economy and Enterprises culture in the direction of a complete compatibility and sustainability of the vitality of the Planet and all its species living.

Via Lampedusa, 11/A – 20141 Milano
Tel. 0284800001 | Fax: 0289543056 |

Ministero della salute

Il sito del Ministero Italiano della Salute.

Viale Giorgio Ribotta, 5 – 00144 – Roma
Tel. 00390659941

National center for biotechnology information

The official site of National Center For Biotechnology Information, established in 1988 as a national resource for molecular biology information, with a public databases.

National Library of Medicine Building 38A Bethesda, MD 20894
Tel: (301) 496-2475 | Fax: (301) 480-9241 |

Centro Toscana per la qualità

The site of the Consorzio Centro Toscano per la Qualità (Consortium Center Tuscany for the Quality). Born in late 80’s with the aim to favour the development of the PMI, the consortium started in the 90’s the organisation of Master in order to satisfy the research of professional figures from the enterprises. The “Master Aziendali” are in fact plans on the base of the expressed formative requirements from the enterprises.

Via Salceto, 99 53036 Poggibonsi (Si)
Tel: 0577982582 | Fax: 0577981493 | –

Autorità europea per la sicurezza alimentare

L’Autorità europea per la sicurezza alimentare risponde a richieste di consulenza della Commissione Europea, del Parlamento Europeo e degli stati UE.

Via Carlo Magno, 1A – 43126 Parma
Tel: +39 0521 036111 | Fax: +39 0521 036110

Centro studi dell’alimentazione – Nutrition foundation of italy

Nutrition Foundation of Italy was born as no-profit association in the 1976. Its aim is to enable interaction and cooperation with Governament, University and Industry to help in the development of scientific research and in the information’s exchange in the nutrition field.

Viale Tunisia, 38 – 20124 Milano